So tell me parents, is enforcing your religion on your children really worth them hating you? You see, life isn't that complicated. Going by the statement "Seeing is believing" is inaccurate for some. I can belief that there are little norms and elves in my ass crack and they come out when I defecate but that does not mean it is true. Saying something with no accurate or evidential proof is illogical. I can tell my religious friends that I believe my chicken drumstick lost it's virginity to my ham sandwich and tell a religious person this. Of course they're say "Oh that's not true!". I can reply with "I can say the same thing about your religion!". Faith isn't for everything.
Religion teaches you to deny your sex drive (masturbation has been shown to relieve stress and make you 1.3 years younger. I speak from experience), discriminate against homosexuals (they only hate them because they cannot reproduce. the Bible says be fruitful and multiply. Actually, a build up of estrogen can make the infant feminine thus resulting in homosexuality), and deny science. Many people who are of religion are ignorant. Why? Because they know it proves their Bible, Qu'ran, To'rah, or whatever wrong. People who enforce religion on other usually cause that person to not want anything to do with them. Religion is an organized structure that tells you to join it and do whatever it says or you shall burn in Hell. Tell me this: if God knew the world was going to be filled with hate, rape, racism, heartache etc, then why make it? Whatever reason you give is insensible. Because he was lonely? Because he wanted something to show his angels? The biblical God has the most vile and devious ways of proving his point. Take the Hebrews for example. The only reason why he even wanted them free was to covert the Egyptians to Judaism. He didn't care about the Hebrew slaves; he didn't even like them; he was just using them as bait for his main perspective. And using violence against violence? Flooding the world AND the innocent animals too? That's like me going outside and beating up a ten-year-old then proclaiming my toughness towards it. Life isn't that full of shit y'know.
People should have the right to believe in whatever they want. Not everyone believes in a deity and you shouldn't enforce it on them People need to find their own path to salvation. Joining an organized religion is one of the most horrible things you can do to yourself. So parents, when you wonder why your children want to isolate themselves from you you won't be so surprised. And kids, mummy and daddy may be right about everything else, but they sure as HELL have no right to shove their beliefs down your throat. It doesn't matter that I USED to do all of the things I did as a children. Children can easily be manipulated. Why do you think parents brainwash them early with religion and then throw a tantrum when they want to convert to another? Through out my 20 years on this Earth all I've heard was "You must believe in God or you'll die!" or "You must turn so that you will not burn in Hell". I do not want to serve a religion that isn't accepting towards other and that is closed-minded. In short, religion doesn't solve problems it's just one of the many things that add to them. I may not know a lot and I am ignorant in a lot of things! But I know this: no one and I mean NO ONE has the right to force something on someone!
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